Find all of The Smurfs Characters Names before time runs out. You have 10 minutes! Words can run horizontally, vertically, diagonally, and even backwards. Select each word by click [...]
Find all Charlie Browns Character Names before time runs out. You have 10 minutes! Words can run horizontally, vertically, diagonally, and even backwards. Select each word by click [...]
Find all of Ben 10 Characters Names before time runs out. You have 10 minutes! Words can run horizontally, vertically, diagonally, and even backwards. Select each word by clicking [...]
Test your power of observation by finding the numbers which are in various forms in this Tom and Jerry Find the Numbers game. use your mouse to find the numbers.
Scrats Acorn Sniper is a point and click style Ice Age game, use your mouse and zoom in on Acorns and click till you find them all. Use your mouse to find the acorns
Observe the images of The Incredibles, see if you can find all of the hidden numbers in this numbers game. Use your mouse to find and click on the numbers.